Monday, March 8, 2021

3T's Online Hub

 Welcome to 3T's Online Hub

Where you are simply beautiful.

Here's the basic things you need to know in our humble online shop.

This is our cover photo in our fb page.
We want it to look simple yet classy.

This is our profile photo.
This symbolizes 3 women linked and became family because of the surname starting with "T".

We are proud that we are DTI Registered and established last July 2020.

Of course, to make all transactions smooth, this is our must read policy shop.

Here's the list of the products we offer.

This is the modes of payment that our customers can choose from if they want to purchase our products.

Our customers can fill in this form before he/she can make a purchase.

That's all the basic things you need to know about our shop.
Thank you so much for reading.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My ePortfolio


Teacher: Teaching Senior High School Students in General Academic Track to educate and help them cope with the demands of time

Hello. I am Phoebe Jane R. Tambis and welcome to my ePortfolio. I am a teacher with 9 years of experience: two years in a private school teaching intermediate level; 3 years in teaching junior high school students; and 4 years teaching senior high school students. For now, I am looking for new opportunities in the field.

My colleagues told me that I am kind and a dedicated professional. I am trained to teach, educate, and manage students with lessons and life skills. 

First, I received a performer award at Philippine Normal University Agusan Campus in 2010. Additionally, I handled the Technology and Livelihood Department in San Luis in 2013. Finally, I managed 6 people in the senior high school department for two years now in Butuan City.

My skills include teaching, training, and managing student's behavior inside and outside the classroom. I also like to read, sing, and dance.

I am a teacher and I can say that most of the products and results I successfully molded were the knowledge gained, skills acquired, and learnings practiced by my students in their daily lives. My job in educating students is not easy. I should religiously exert efforts in assisting them in their learnings' progress and should always make sure that what they are learning are necessities and can be used in their daily activities. 

I help my clients especially the parents and guardians secure their children's education by letting them see the results of their children's efforts and progress in studying and learning in school. Every year, our department has an increasing number of enrollees and I take this as a good sign that our department is really doing a great job when it comes to teaching and learning processes.

 I, together with my students, their parents, and all the stakeholders in school were always delighted and hopeful every time our students learn and achieve their learning goals. I am thrilled about the things we can do and learn more in the future. 


Complete Academic Requirement in Master's Degree in Home Economics.
Philippine Normal University, Prosperidad, Philippines (June 2013- May 2015)

Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education major in Home Economics.
Philippine Normal University, Prosperidad, Philippines (June 2006- March 2010)

High School Diploma. Agusan del Sur National High Sur, San Francisco,
Agusan del Sur, Philippines (June 2002 - March 2006)

Elementary Diploma. Patin-ay Elementary School
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines (June 1997-2002)


Department of Education
Senior High School Teacher  (June 2016 – Present)

·         Preparing lesson plan/log every day for Grade 11 students

·         Teaching well in accordance with subject objectives

·         Motivating students to improve learning

·         Conducting home visitations

·         Assesses student’s performance

·         Recording student’s strengths and weaknesses

·         Integrating values in all subject areas

Junior High School Teacher (May 2013- May 2016)

·         Made lesson logs for Grades 7-10

·         Taught Cookery, Values and Social Sciences

·         Conducted home visitations

·         Recorded a student’s achievements

·         Evaluated student’s performances

·         Assessed student’s works

·         Integrated values in all subjects

Elementary Teacher (May 2011- April 2013)

·         Prepared lesson plans for Grades 4-6 pupils

·         Taught basic home skills for intermediate pupils

·         Assessed pupil’s workmanship in every activity

·         Showcased pupil’s talents and potentials in various activities

·         Integrated values in all subjects

Accounts Payable Clerk (November 2010- May 2011)

·         Encoded data

·         Issued checks to the payable companies/ management

·         Checked the papers for possible errors

·         Emailed concerned persons on certain transactions

Monday, October 26, 2020

My Resume



Complete Academic Requirement in Master's Degree in Home Economics.
Philippine Normal University, Prosperidad, Philippines (June 2013- May 2015)

Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education major in Home Economics.
Philippine Normal University, Prosperidad, Philippines (June 2006- March 2010)

High School Diploma. Agusan del Sur National High Sur, San Francisco,
Agusan del Sur, Philippines (June 2002 - March 2006)

Elementary Diploma. Patin-ay Elementary School
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines (June 1997-2002)


Department of Education

Senior High School Teacher  (June 2016 – Present)

·         Preparing lesson plan/log every day for Grade 11 students

·         Teaching well in accordance to subject objectives

·         Motivating students to improve learning

·         Conducting home visitations

·         Assesses student’s performance

·         Recording student’s strengths and weaknesses

·         Integrating values in all subject areas

Junior High School Teacher (May 2013- May 2016)

·         Made lesson logs for Grades 7-10

·         Taught Cookery, Values and Social Sciences

·         Conducted home visitations

·         Recorded student’s achievements

·         Evaluated student’s performances

·         Assessed student’s works

·         Integrated values in all subjects

Elementary Teacher (May 2011- April 2013)

·         Prepared lesson plans for Grades 4-6 pupils

·         Taught basic home skills for intermediate pupils

·         Assessed pupil’s workmanship in every activity

·         Showcased pupil’s talents and potentials in various activities

·         Integrated values in all subjects

Accounts Payable Clerk (November 2010- May 2011)

·         Encoded data

·         Issued checks to the payable companies/ management

·         Checked the papers for possible errors

·         Emailed concerned persons on certain transactions

Descriptions of my work



             I am a teacher and I can say that most of the products and results I successfully molded were the knowledge gained, skills acquired, and learnings practiced by my students in their daily lives. My job in educating students is not easy. I should religiously exert efforts in assisting them in their learnings' progress and should always make sure that what they are learning are necessities and can be used in their daily activities. 

            I help my clients especially the parents and guardians secure their children's education by letting them see the results of their children's efforts and progress in studying and learning in school. Every year, our department has an increasing number of enrollees and I take this as a good sign that our department is really doing a great job when it comes to teaching and learning processes.

This photo was taken during an examination


                    I, together with my students, their parents, and all the stakeholders in school were always delighted and hopeful every time our students learn and achieve their learning goals. I am thrilled about the things we can do and learn more in the future. 

My babies

Sunday, October 25, 2020



Teacher: Teaching Senior High School Students in General Academic Track to educate and help them cope with the demands of time

Hello. I am Phoebe Jane R. Tambis. I am a teacher with 9 years of experience: two years in a private school teaching intermediate level; 3 years in teaching junior high school students; and 4 years teaching senior high school students. For now, I am looking for new opportunities in the field.

My colleagues told me that I am kind and a dedicated professional. I am trained to teach, educate, and manage students with lessons and life skills. 

First, I received a performer award at Philippine Normal University Agusan Campus in 2010. Additionally, I handled the Technology and Livelihood Department in San Luis in 2013. Finally, I managed 6 people in the senior high school department for two years now in Butuan City.

My skills include teaching, training, and managing student's behavior inside and outside the classroom. I also like to read, sing, and dance.

Taken during Variety Show

Taken during Christmas Party 2019

During lectures and reportings

The photo was taken when class was dismissed

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My Blended Learning Classroom

Hello everyone especially to my classmates, peers, and co-DOST Caraga scholars taking free courses in Coursera. Welcome to my blog! This is made in partial fulfillment of the course which I am currently taking with a course description "Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students".

I am one of those top believers of "learning by doing" by John Dewey. As one of those believers, it is so ideal that after learning from something, one should put it into practice and repeat it occasionally so one can remember it religiously and save it in one's long-term memory.

Well, as much as I want to make a video about how will I incorporate my learnings on high quality blended learning in my classroom setting, circumstances would never allow it. Who would have thought that this CoViD19 pandemic will hindermost of the things, works even events that we are used to be doing and attending? Almost everything is affected, even our own movements are limited. This is one of the reasons why the completion of the final assignment of this course is a bit difficult. However, there are still many options given to ensure that the works, time, and efforts we exerted will never go to waste, hence, I will just make a blog about my plans for it as my final assignment. 


This is how my typical classroom looks like. Almost all the classrooms in our school look the same. It only differs a little on the teacher's way of decorating the classroom to stimulate student's willingness or interest to learn. Some classrooms have television sets, speakers, and structuring boards where information about the grades' subjects, classroom rules, information charts, and the like are posted. 

Oh! I know what you're thinking. Yes, it is very traditional and whatever is in your mind right now the way you perceived this picture, yes, that's it. 

I included my photo here to prove that this is really me and this is really my classroom
Hi, it's me!
I personally included my photo here to prove that this is really me, and this is really my classroom.

In my case, almost 80% of the teaching and learning time is done in the classroom. The other 20% is done outside occasionally during Physical Education sessions and go-outside activities if the subject matter requires. Most of the time, students stay in the classroom listening, learning, reporting, and doing things we teachers think is good for them. You know, as to how it is structured traditionally.

As to the class schedule, we start the class at 7:30- 11:45 for the morning session and 1:00-4:30 in the afternoon session. Usually, we have 8 subjects in total, 4 in the morning, and another 4 in the afternoon so that's 60 minutes per subject with a 15-minute recess time in the morning. The said schedule is a routine, so that's it every Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, we usually have PE time or individual learning time. Most often than not, Fridays are used for school-related activities like opening or culminating program for Nutrition Month, Filipino Month, English Month, and the like celebrations.

The class adviser or subject teachers meet the students on their subject schedules. It could be 1 or two hours a day. The subjects we handled are mostly according to specialization unlike for elementary which is generalized, for some and it's fixed.  


If I were to rearrange my traditional classroom, I want it to be 'homey'. It will also have divisions and areas like a house with a living room, kitchen, bedroom, dining area, and the like. A home-classroom where my students feel comfortable, safe, and most especially an educational one where everyone's treating everybody as real families. I want it to be educational without leaving the fun in learning!

My Innovation

Considering that nothing is a hindrance on my plans and even the budget is not a problem, I want my home-classroom to be divided into six different learning areas/ stations:

(1) Com Stat (Computer Station)  - This is a learning area where the students can operate the computer for computer-assisted or online instructions. Just like having a playlist of songs, I want them to have a playlist of activities that they need to perform or do at a flexible time as long as at the end of a given schedule, they can master the competencies listed on their playlists. Softwares in this computer-assisted instruction is like a how the Coursera was built where almost all the instruction, lectures, and discussion were already given. Students will just look at it, work on the learning activities and assignments on it, and if they are not yet ready for the next level, they can stop, relax, go to other stations, and when they are ready, they can just go back where they just left. 

(2) Teacher Stat (Teacher Station) - this is a station where students can gather to ask for guidance, clarify instruction, or just seek help and assistance to a teacher for topics and subject matters which they find very difficult to work into. This station provides teacher-led instruction and serves as a help desk. The teacher here will also have software where he/she check the learning status of the students. The teacher can then assess or evaluate the learning pace of the student and can even detect the problems the student might have before he/she will go to the teacher or solutions to their problems just before they ask some assistance by just looking at that assessment software.     

(3) Collab Stat (Collaborative Station) - as the name suggests, this is a station for collaborative activities where students can work on hands-on projects and activities on a real-time basis that they can actually present or create output by group or individually. I can say that the collab stat can act as a breakout room just like in the Flex model where students can learn and do their lab works depending on the subject matter. 

(4) Soc Stat (Social station) - As much as I want to, I want my students to think and to be good not only on academics but also to be socially wise. In this so-called soc stat, this will be the place for students to talk casually with peers or classmates about how their day went, the topic of subjects, the means of achieving and finishing the learning activities on their playlist, the techniques on how to work on activities efficiently, and the like topics in order for them to grow and develop with social manners. In a house, I want this to be the living room.

(5) Per Stat (Personal Station) - If sometimes, we need to be socially active, there will be times that we need to learn solo. This is the place for you, the personal station. While others learn more with buddies, others learn fast studying alone that's why I think that individual space is a need. In a house, I want this to be the bedroom.

(6) Rec Stat (Recreational station) - I am reminded that learning also occurs when one stopped focusing on something they want to work on and divert their focus mode to the diffuse mode of the brain. Usually in the diffuse mode, one needs to do relaxation to divert attention and exercise. The exercise here doesn't mean you exercise physically to form abs or muscles but it can be in a form of running to help your brain redirect and refocus you later on the activities that you find very difficult to deal with.

Maybe I'm thinking too much! I'm thinking that my classroom can fit all the plan I had in my mind but as what I've mention, there is no hindrance in this plan so far. All I know for now is that it takes a lot of plans and tons of hard work to realize all these plans.

A Key Difference in the New Structure
There's really a big difference in the new structure. As I have mentioned above about my traditional classroom, it is far too different from my innovations for a blended learning classroom. My traditional classroom is just like a big ballroom with no balls, while blended learning classroom is having a big feast! 

To cite some key differences in the blended learning classroom, it has the following:
1. Work stations for various learning activities,
2. Softwares which makes teaching and learning processes more efficient,
3. Assessment and evaluation is made easy and measurable,
4. Students learn individually in a personalized manner within their own pace,
5. Teachers are merely facilitators of learning.

Role of Adults
The role of adults in my blended learning classroom are as follows:
1. Teachers are mere facilitators of learning,
2. Evaluates and assess students' readiness in a certain skill or competency,
3. Ensure that mastery level is achieved, 
4. Make sure that learning is dynamic and is enjoyable,

Changes in Students
From a totally different culture, perspective, and practices, the students will be able to:
1. Manage and master their own learnings,
2. Study, learn, and work in their own pace, 
3. Balance time in doing and working on projects, assignments, and recreational activities in one setting. 

Implications for Future Practice in this Classroom

There will be a 360 degrees turn in our educational structure and system once blended learning is applied in our schools here in the Philippines. Our educational system is centralized and we follow educational orders, memorandums, and almost everything except on how we conducted our lessons to students, that would be where our own style and academic freedom applies. There are still many things to be diverted, directed, planned, organized, and even implemented.

If this turn will soon be advised to be put in place in the future, then I am sure to be there as one of the witnesses in that one amazing turn of events. 


Sunday, August 21, 2016


Neptune is what they call this very cool place. It originated from its Barangay name which is Barangay Neptune, still located in Diatagon, Surigao del Sur. 

The path going to the nursery home of that Barangay is neatly planted with green, tall and vigorous Mahogany trees along the road that makes it attractive and captivating to the travelers. Often, visitors and other adventure-goers find the view fascinating that make them stop-by and take pictures. That's maybe one of the reasons why we drop-by then. 

So, it's not even prohibited to take selfies in the middle of the road? Of course not, lol (Just giving you sample, we have lots of selfies, twofies, and threefies though ;))

Actually, the road cannot be passed-by by many travellers because its not part of the national high way. The road was just built for the local settlers of that barangay so they can have better way to use for passing through especially during rainy season.

Bao-bao falls  as I mentioned in my blog (refer to this link ) is just half a kilometer away from this man-made forest, so its just so accessible to those who want to take a look. You may consider to visit two cool spots at one place. Cool, isn't it?

More pictures...

Ate Alimra's signature Pose
Kuya ToTo's I'm-Not-Coming-Back Pose

The whole team during Surigao del Sur Escapade
Thanking these good-hearted human beings for inviting me to come in this only-for-singles-adventure. It was totally fun! especially the road trip going to and fro Bao-Bao falls and Baranggay Neptune. More to come. Thanks.

How to get here?

From San Francisco terminal, ride a bus going to Tandag City and drop to Diatagon, Surigao del Sur. Fare is only fifty pesos. Ride a motorcycle going to Bao-Bao falls or Neptune for twenty pesos. 

Watch for more CARAGA Adventure soon! God bless.
Come and visit.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Surigao del Sur: Bao-Bao Falls

Bao-Bao falls is one of the alluring spots of the beautiful coastal area province of Surigao del Sur. Aside from their famous and wide beaches facing the Philippine sea, the place is also gifted of other bodies of water. Bao-bao falls is one of those. It's located particularly in Diatagon, Surigao del Sur.  

This is a scene of one of the areas of the Bao-bao falls. The water during the time I visited was not as strong as usual (that's according to one of the residents), especially because of the damage brought by the storm two months ago. Nevertheless, the water is still  refreshing, it's as cold as ice, and as clear as the blue sky (though most of the color you see is green). I can even see the big stones and a trunk of a tree at the bottom of it.

This is the highest peak of the Bao-bao falls. As you can see from the picture, the ruins of the storm was still very visible. Trunks and branches of the tress from above were scattered everywhere (I think it's not totally safe for tourists, not yet). But were not tourists, were adventurers! so were taking minor adventures for the mean time. Anyways, the flow of the water is minimal since it's summer (the sun is sipping most of the waters! oh, study water cycle instead). Moreover, for adventurers like us, I advise you to bring your own tent, food, water bottles with water in it of course so that you are ready for everything when you climb up and look for your spot. There's no area or space for you to stand-by or settle so better be ready with the tent. You should also keep your own trash since there's no proper area for garbage disposal. 

This is the scene from above the falls. It was called Bao-bao falls because the main falls looks like a turtle particularly the back of the turtle where the water falls.

The entire area is not yet totally ready for more tourists, it needs more care and help of the local government unit to improve and maintain its cleanliness and nature-like ambiance.

My colleagues in my Bao-Bao falls adventure. (Ate Almira, Kuya Toto, Me)

How to get there?

From San Francisco bus terminal, ride a bus going to Tandag City and drop to Diatagon, that's fifty pesos only. Then you can ride a motorcycle or single motor going to the falls at twenty pesos per person. 

Come and visit!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tummy Matters: Beatriz Food and Cafe

Good day everyone.

Eating has never been this good and tasty! That was my first impression after dining in Beatriz Food and Cafe. Beatriz Food and Cafe is located just along the highway of Ochoa St.,City of Butuan, Philippines and offers variety of delicious cuisine and beverages.

A shot before I eat all of them.
The restaurant is a two-storey building where the first floor serves as the dining area while the second floor is intended for various functions and services. It can also be observed that they are newly operating since the building is new, facilities are still in good condition, and it is quite obvious that only few people knew about it (Well, I can barely count the number of costumers).

My lunch partner - John Victor

Nevertheless, I highly recommend Beatriz Food and Cafe because of their beautiful place, satisfying service and oh so yummy dishes.Well, I am a die-hard fan of seafood so we ordered sizzling shrimp, special pancit guisado with seafood toppings, plated dory fish with vegies in teriyaki sauce, plated chicken for John and lemonade. Oh! my mouth waters when I think of them.

Happy together

Beatriz Food and Cafe is a good place for family celebrations, food trip with friends, snack place for relatives and dates for loved ones for they offers different cuisine in a very affordable prices. Snacks would range from 50 to 100 pesos and main courses range from 75 to 200 pesos.  You will surely be fascinated with the peaceful environment and be satisfied with your food cravings. Try also their excellent salads, sandwiches and extraordinary meat dishes. Oh! how I wish to dine again in this place. Come, eat and enjoy.

Thank you.God loves you.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Get To Know the Blogger

Greetings everyone. 

I am Phoebe Jane, a first time blogger.
A push and a sort of encouragement from a friend has helped me create this blog. So, credit goes to you friend of mine and of course, to our Almighty Father who makes all things possible. For without His great help and His divine providence, everything is worthless.

I am a grade school teacher and loves children so much.  Being in love with the teaching profession makes me who I am. I can't imagine my future self if I am not teaching. As for me, it is not only a profession but a passion. Well, aside from the joy I get from teaching kids, I also have this yearning to know more about the Catholic Faith.I want to learn Latin language and know how to defend the true faith. As a matter of fact, I am memorizing common prayers in the Rosary in Latin like Hail Mary (Ave Maria) religiously. 

I'm also fond of listening music. Nothing beats Classical music. Ave Maria and Pachelbel's Canon in violin are two of my favorites. Aside from listening, I used to play my guitar and sing RNB, mellow songs, slow rock, and pop music. Too worldly, isn't it? but mind you, I sing religious songs as well. If you can please people by your talents, make sure to please God first knowing He is the source of it. Also, don't forget to make use of the gifts, treasures, time and whatever you have to share because in the end, you will still be the one who will reap all the harvest of your labor. 

Why Blogging?
I believe writing is one of the most powerful ways to express your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings, your brilliant ideas, your true self as a whole. It could also be a weapon to fight back and to defend ourselves against our foreign enemies. A manner in helping the frozen souls of every Filipino be awaken to save their dying country from slavery. A means of expressing ones self worth, liberalism, culture differences, and a lot more as what our ancestors did way back years ago. In this generation, blogging is a good means of educating others or vise versa. A means of widely spreading knowledge, facts, ideas, information, data of ones place, interests, and other fields. Believe me or not, moments   will come that we will surely crave for it in whatever our purpose may be. Bear in mind that education is a life long process, let us not stop learning.

I am a person who lacks  knowledge of something, if not everything. Of course I admit that. Every time I read, I am reminded that I do not know a lot of things but it didn't stop me from inquiring what I need to know, rather I am thankful. I am thankful that I know how to read, to comprehend, to learn and relearn things. That makes a man knowledgeable. But I am more thankful to the ones who keep on writing in order to give people quality information about places, health, food, people, medicine, and more. Writers, authors,and bloggers couldn't imagine how they had touched lives and helped humanity with their writings and master pieces just the way a blogger touched mine.

I made a blog not only for self expression but also for the extension to help people who may need it and may benefit from it.

Thank you. God loves you.